Warmup & Workout timer
Follow* warmup and workout videos, but keep forgetting the steps?
Need a rep timer & counter?
This is a web app for those things.
* Or any workout regime, really
Talking timer
The big-ass hands-free timer will read your steps aloud* and automatically progress through the warmup steps
* If you want it to that is! You can turn that racket off
Fully Editable
All workout & warmup steps are fully editable, draggable and — if you're sick of them — removable
Just click theicon
Then theicon
Import / Export
Create and share warmups & workouts — probably ideal for personal trainers & clients
Easily back up your workouts or move them to another device
Or hand-edit the raw .json
file if you're a total 🤓
Some of us* spend too much time staring at screens
Set yourself an hourly reminder to sit back, relax, and twirl your head around like you're in The Exorcist
* All of us